Date: 09 November 2021

LIMPRINT Special Edition Part 2

Part 2 of LIMPRINT Special Edition published by Lymphatic Research and Biology is now online!
In nine open access articles readers are provided with more insights on ILF’s international study on chronic oedema. This includes knowledge gaps surrounding chronic edema, the cost and quality-of-life implications of decongestive therapy for these patients, the international perspective on predictive factors for the therapeutic responses to intervention, the impact of bariatric disease, incidence of cellulitis in relation to specialist access, and extensions of the prior insights into the pediatric experience.
Editor-in-Chief, Stanley Rockson, writes in his editorial:
“This is indeed an ambitious project with an extraordinary impact upon an oftenneglected field of clinical practice. It is with great pride that we are able to provide the fruits of these labors to the readership of Lymphatic Research and Biology.”
Read it here ->

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