Date: 23 January 2022

Changes in the ILF Board of Directors

It is our pleasure to announce a change in the ILF Board of Directors.

Dr S. R. Narahari has joined the Board of Directors af new director of low-ressource countries. Dr Narahari is a dermatologist and the director of the Institute of Applied Dermatology (IAD), an internationally acknowledged centre for morbidity management and disability prevention of Lymphatic Filariasis and other lymphoedemas. It is located in resource-poor primary health care and a challenging setting in Kasaragod, Kerala, India.

He pioneered clinician-led bedside integrative medicine by combining therapeutics of Ayurveda & Yoga with Biomedicine for lymphoedema. He leads integrative medicine research, intersectoral collaborations, and patient-centred care and education to meet the needs of chronic diseases.

The organisation’s current goal is to analyse remaining lymphoedema data and set up satellite lymphoedema treatment services in endemic regions of Lymphatic Filariasis. To date, Dr Narahari has published 85 papers. All his work in IAD is honorary.

We look much forward to work with Dr Narahari as our new director.

Professor Sue Gordon, Flinders University, Australia, has stepped down after serving the ILF Board of Directors for two years.

We would like to express a deepfelt thank to Sue for her outstanding contribution to the ILF.

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