Date: 21 September 2022

LYMPHO News September 2022



Dear all,

The International Lymphoedema Framework (ILF) wishes to acknowledge the leadership that Queen Elizabeth II had not just in the UK and Commonwealth countries, but throughout the world. We send our message of heartfelt sympathy to her family and the many that grieve for her. She will be very much missed.

Here, at the ILF, we are looking forward to a busy autumn of activities and, most of all, to planning next year’s conference. The 11th ILF conference is to be organised in collaboration with our Framework partner, Lymphoedema Wales Clinical Network, and will focus on the national frameworks, highlighting the ILF’s collaborative work on international research projects and studies.

We are also proud to present our new framework, which has been established in Croatia, the National Lymphoedema Framework Croatia – Lymph & I.

Best wishes from

Christine Moffatt and the ILF Board of Directors

ILF 2023 Conference in Nottingham, UK


The 11th ILF conference is to be held in East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham, UK from 13–15 June 2023. This event will bring together clinicians, researchers, industry providers, healthcare providers, advocacy groups and, most importantly, people living with lymphoedema and related disorders.

People with lymphoedema remain at the heart of what we do, so if you have lymphoedema, we would love to hear from you as planning goes ahead, i.e. what are the subjects you would like to know and hear about? What questions do you have? Please let us know by email:

Welcome to a new framework

We are pleased to welcome the National Lymphoedema Framework Croatia – Lymph & I (NLFC). NLFC – Lymph & I is the youngest member of the ILF community, founded at the beginning of 2022.

As a national, non-profit organisation, NLFC — Lymph & I serves as a platform for providing best care lymphoedema management to all individuals, healthcare professionals, industry and government in Croatia and the region.

The vision of NLFC – Lymph & I is to ensure the availability of high quality lymphoedema/lipoedema management throughout Croatia. Its mission is to raise awareness and improve knowledge of lymphoedema/lipoedema management through providing research, training and practice.

Ongoing projects include:

  • Croatian Lymphoedema School
  • Lymphoedema awareness month activities – ‘Taking time for myself’
  • Traveling photo exhibition – ‘Lymph & me — what's hidden beneath my skin?’
  • LIHDA – compression garments donation
  • Research and publications.

  • You can follow NLFC – Lymph & I on social media:
    Instagram - Facebook


News from the frameworks

National Lymphoedema Framework Ireland
The National Lymphoedema Framework Ireland and Dr Vodder School Ireland welcome all healthcare professionals, lymphoedema therapists and clinicians who have an interest in or work with patients with lymphoedema, chronic oedema and lipoedema to attend the NLFI Open Day on Saturday, 24 September 2022.

The event includes individual industry workshops, which further facilitate multidisciplinary healthcare professionals and those in industry to meet, exchange ideas, and experience therapeutic approaches in the management of clinical lymphoedema, chronic oedema and lipoedema. Speakers include Professor Christine Moffatt, Professor Peter Mortimer, and Meadbh Mac Sweeney.

Read more and see the full programme here

Industry support

The work of the ILF would not be possible without industry support. We thank the ILF Industry Partners for their continued engagement and support.

Learn more

Sign up to become an ILF Affiliate — it’s completely free and will ensure you stay informed about the goals and activities of the ILF and the work of our national frameworks around the world. ILF Affiliates benefit from:

· Reduced fees at future conferences
· Regular updates on activities and resources
· Opportunities to network with national lymphoedema frameworks
· Opportunities to influence future activities and direction.

Sign up now


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