Dear friends,
I cannot believe it is already a month since many of us met for the ILF Conference in Nottingham. Thank you again to all of you who came and added so much to those days. Thank you, too, for your feedback, which was greatly encouraging and gives us much more to think about in planning future conferences.
And remember, if you did not get a chance to come to Nottingham, you can still watch the presentations and connect with other delegates from around the world by joining the conference virtually #ILF2023.
We are continuing with all the projects and planning for the future, particularly around the work happening in countries with low resources. We will, of course, update you on these in further newsletters.
Meanwhile, we would be delighted if you could let us know your news, so that we can share it internationally through this newsletter.
With best wishes from
Christine Moffatt CBE and the ILF Board of Directors
Turkish Lymphedema Framework activities
Recently, members of the Turkish Lymphedema Framework (TLA) have translated an international consensus document on lipedema into Turkish to make it available to practitioners in the country and help dispel myths surrounding lipedema and reach a better understanding of the pathophysiology and management of this disease. In addition, a web-based study to evaluate the conceptual agreement of this consensus report among Turkish health professionals dealing with lipedema was undertaken by members of TLA and more than 60% of the specialists agreed with the consensus report.
Currently, the TLA is busy preparing for its bi-annual national lymphedema symposium, to be held 6–8 October, 2023 in Samsun.
Canadian Lymphedema Framework
The Canadian Lymphedema Framework are delighted to share their recent activities. And, to welcome the international community to its National Lymphedema Conference in November 2023, there’s a special discount code to register at the end of the video.
National Lymphoedema Framework Ireland (NLFI)
With ongoing energy, further charged following participation of three members at the ILF Conference 2023 in Nottingham, NLFI is busy finalising plans for the NLFI Open Day 2023 (29th September, 2023). This year, NLFI is working in association with the national patient advocate group, Lymphoedema Ireland, and the Dr Vodder School, Ireland, to provide an educational opportunity to a wider group, including healthcare professionals, individuals with lymphoedema and lipoedema and lymphoedema therapist students. Our partners from industry will also be present to provide information/education on specific products, essential in the management of lymphoedema and lipoedema.
NLFI collaboration with the Health Service Executive
NLFI continues to collaborate with the Irish national health service on aspects of lymphoedema and lipoedema health care. Currently, this involves inclusion on a lymphoedema and lipoedema education group to develop an education programme for patients and professionals.
Collaboration with ILF
NLFI also continues to work with the ILF international team on a children’s newsletter and a dedicated paediatric website to run parallel with the ILF website.
Further information about NLFI is available at: www.nlfireland.ie
And, to hear more about what our international frameworks are doing worldwide, just click here
Industry support
The work of the ILF would not be possible without industry support. We thank the ILF Industry Partners for their continued engagement and support.
Learn more
Sign up to become an ILF Affiliate — it’s completely free and will ensure you stay informed about the goals and activities of the ILF and the work of our national frameworks around the world. ILF Affiliates benefit from:
· Reduced fees at future conferences
· Regular updates on activities and resources
· Opportunities to network with national lymphoedema frameworks
· Opportunities to influence future activities and direction.
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